Student Services

Free E-Learning

We recognize both the financial commitment and the time commitment you are making when you register to study English as a second language here at AELS. We respect that you’ve decided to make English a priority in your life. With American English Language School, your English language education begins even before you step through our door for your first class. This is possible because of our FREE e-Learning course that is made available to all of our new international students before they come to the U.S. to study.

This 20-day (4 weeks) online learning course provides students with exposure to, and practice with, some common terms, verb phrases, and idioms they can expect to hear and use in America. Each day will be a new lesson, and Fridays will include a quiz on what you’ve learned that week. The course finishes with a comprehensive quiz covering material from all 4 weeks. You will become accustomed to some common sentence structures as you read through examples of each of these terms and phrases being used in sentences.

This will set you up for success in your classes with us as you become more focused and serious about learning the language, and you may even be able to begin studying in a higher level class after taking the e-Learning class (based on your score on our placement test)! To give you an extra incentive to make this preparation a priority, we offer FREE textbooks for the first quarter to anyone with an average score of 90% or higher on their e-Learning quizzes!

*For more information, check out our Free E-Learning Prep Course Procedures.

Fast I-20 Form Processing Time

Once you send in your application documents, you should receive an email regarding your admission status usually within 1-2 days. We guarantee that you will receive your I-20 form in the mail within one week from the day that you receive your acceptance email from AELS. For your convenience we will provide you with the UPS (United Parcel Service) tracking number. You will be able to track your I-20 form from the moment we send it. Please use the UPS tracking website to track your I-20 form here.

*If you do not receive it within one week, we will refund your mailing fee $50.

Teacher Background Check

Teachers are an incredibly integral part of our program and our students’ success. So, it only makes sense that we would want to choose upstanding teachers who can create a safe space for our students. All of the teachers at AELS have been screened and fingerprinted.

The safety of our students is one of our main concerns when hiring new teachers. It is important to us that we choose the best candidates who are going to actively work together to make this a comfortable, safe space for our students at all times.

Before being hired, all of our prospective teachers get fingerprinted and obtain clearance from the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). We require that our teachers conduct their fingerprinting as part of the LiveScan process, which allows us to also request a background check from the DOJ that will inform us of any active arrests or convictions. Through this process, we are able to protect our students, our staff, and our administration from unnecessary danger and instead focus on goal of providing students with a great education!


There are so many different options for language learning programs, and with that number comes just as many different tuition values. Remember that old saying, “You get what you pay for”? Let’s look at what that means when it comes to language learning programs and how it makes American English Language School your best choice.

There are essentially three different tiers of schools that students can choose from: high-end, mid-level, and low-end.

With high-end programs, you are paying a high price because of the brand name recognition. At schools like these, you can expect to pay a hefty fee of $1,500-$2,000 a month and have 12-15 students in class.

Then there are the low-end schools, which tend to serve a specific purpose of just allowing students on F-1 visas to maintain their status for a cheap tuition of only $500-$600 a month. These classes will pile 10-15 students in each class with little concern over their attendance, participation, or progress. You can expect the quality of the education program to match their lack of interest in your individual educational needs.

Then there are the mid-level schools such as American English Language School that provide good quality and prices that range from around $1,000-$1,500 a month. Though there are many other schools in this same category, there is one major difference: the average number of students in class at other mid-level schools will often still be 12-15, whereas we cap our classes at 8 students max (and many of our students choose to sign up for our popular 4-student classes). This difference in class size allows us to be attentive to each individual students’ academic needs and to help customize classes to help them learn English more efficiently. Therefore, American English Language School is a prime opportunity within this mid-level tuition category to get a personalized, high-quality English language learning experience for a low price!

American English Language School cares about its students and how much progress they make, while charging a reasonable price for tuition. This is how we are providing the best value to our students to help them improve their English without the burden of outrageous prices or apathetic teachers.

At AELS, we make sure our students are getting the best value they can by providing them with high-quality teachers and smaller class sizes for less than you would expect to pay in similar college ESL programs.

New Student Residences

AELS helps students secure basic living services, such as a cell phone plan, a car, insurance, a bank account, etc. It can be difficult to navigate the setup of a new life here in America. Tasks such as finding a homestay family, purchasing a car and auto insurance, using public transportation, opening a bank account, or obtaining a cell phone can all seem overwhelming in a new place and using a new language. Here are ways we can help you through all of these processes and help you get settled here easily and comfortably.

1. Open a Bank Account
There are many choices when setting up an American bank account. We can take you to a bank near AELS and help you set up an account to help make your purchases easier while you are here in the U.S.

2. Get a Cell Phone
You will need to set up a cell phone account with a local cell phone service provider. We will accompany you to the service provider of your choice and help you get started.

3. Apply for a Driver's License
We will help you make an appointment to get a driver's license. We will also go with you to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to help you navigate the process smoothly.

4. Tour of Local Shopping
Since you will be spending a lot of time at AELS, you will want to know what shopping and restaurant options you have nearby. We will take you on a tour to get you familiar with what is in the area, and then we will help you with your first grocery shopping trip!

Airport Pickup

On your application, you can mark if you would like us to pick you up at the airport when you arrive in the U.S. We will ask for your travel information and have somebody waiting for you when you arrive.


If you have not already made arrangements to stay with a friend or family member while you are studying in the U.S., you can mark on your application that you would like to sign up for the Homestay program. We will match you with an American family living close to AELS. You will be able to experience more of the American culture by living with them. Please read our blog.

Health Insurance

Although AELS does not require health insurance, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you maintain health insurance while in the U.S. It is recommended that you obtain health insurance from your home country because it will be cheaper. However, if you would like to sign up for a health insurance plan once you are here, we can help you with that process.