Local Students

We understand that even if you’ve lived here for a few years or are a long-time resident, everyday tasks can still be quite difficult if you don’t have good English skills. In addition, due to this language barrier, you may not be able to find a better and higher paying job or live as comfortably as you would like to.

This is why American English Language School’s ESL classes teach material covering these everyday tasks and conversations that will help you communicate more comfortably and easily. Our ESL classes will help you to improve your English by focusing on pronunciation, reducing your accent, helping you learn new vocabulary, phrases, and idioms, and help you to improve your English conversation skills for most real-world situations.

After taking our ESL courses, you will have the confidence to have English conversations with native speakers and be able to read and write English well enough to function in America. You will be able complete tasks such as shopping, going to the post office, reading and filling out forms (i.e. social security), attending school conferences, and even taking the citizenship test with ease! Why wait to start a better life?

Apply for our ESL classes and start learning English in Los Angeles today!