Additional Courses

Students can apply for additional classes at AELS for further study. (Cost not included in regular tuition.)

Daily Journal Writing

To improve your English grammar and writing skills, you can write a daily journal entry in English and 1:1 proofreading and feedback will be given. This English writing class is the most efficient program to improve intensive composition skills within a short period of time.

Book Club Session

Every week or every other week (depending on reading level), you will read a book from AELS's program, write your comments on given questions, and present and discuss the book through a book club meeting. This work will increase your ability to understand English texts and to organize and express your thoughts in English.

TED Talks

TED Talks are video lectures, based on a wide variety of interesting topics, in which people from all walks of life share their knowledge and experience through a short lecture. These videos are shared online for free. At AELS, we organize discussions of these lectures to provide detailed explanations to help students understand and communicate about them. Through these discussions, students can improve their listening skills, increase their vocabulary, and develop their speaking skills to a higher level.

Private Classes

This class option offers a one-to-one ratio between the student and instructor. If you are interested in this type of class, please ask for more details.