National Polytechnic College

● Name - ​National Polytechnic College or NPCollege
● Year - 1996
● School motto - "Where a Better Future Begins..."
● Student Population -  200 to 250 students
● International Student Population -  0 at this time
● Faculty Size -  8 faculty members (10+ years experience with professional licenses and certifications)
● Private
● Campus Location - Lakewood, CA just a few miles from the beach
● Graduate Program -  No graduate degrees offered.
● Best known Program - MRI Technologist (Associate of Applied Science Degree)
                                                Diagnostic Medical Sonography (Associate of Applied Science Degree)

National Polytechnic College (College or NPCollege) was founded in 1996 to provide education and training in a variety of Allied Health careers serving both the community and surrounding areas. It is our mission to provide our community with a meaningful education in a comfortable learning environment to improve the quality of life and satisfy student needs.  We strive to offer students adequate hands-on training, job-seeking skills, and placement services to prepare students for chosen career opportunities.

         • Providing our students a quality education by focusing on the importance of labor market trends, technology advancement, and educational material updates.
         • Establishing a comfortable and pristine educational environment by providing students spacious classrooms  with up-to-date equipment, realistic work environment settings, beautiful interior design, and areas for relaxing.
         • Hiring the most qualified administrative staff and educational instructors with the proper work experience and educational backgrounds along with continuous workshops and training to better support the needs of  students
         • Having the needed institutional departments fully staffed along with knowledge of outside reinforcements for students during their educational (and career search) experience at NPCollege--Admissions, Student Service,  Financial Aid, and Career Services.
         • Encouraging outside clinics and employer visits, evaluation of classrooms and teaching methods, Advisory  Boards for curriculum enrichment and growth to better prepare students in a competitive labor market.

Students from around the world that seek to be trained in advanced diagnostic medical imaging, can acquire the education, skills, and certification necessary to successfully engage these abilities as a career at professional medical facilities in their home country.

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