Teacher Evaluation

American English Language School only hires the best teachers in order to help our students achieve their individual goals and receive the quality education that they deserve. We know that it’s a huge investment on your part so we want to make sure that we provide an education that ensures your investment. We do this by hiring the best teachers and checking their performance diligently throughout the quarter. We will make sure that our teachers go beyond your expectations so you don’t waste your time and money.

Class Observations
(Scored by Assistant Director each month)
Weekly Student Performance
(affected by scores on the Unit Tests, Monday & Wednesday Reading, Tuesday & Thursday Writing, Daily Listening Assignments and Portofolio Projects)
Student / Parent Feedback
(From Student Opinion Questionnaires completed quarterly)
(scored by the Director periodically throughout the quarter)

Each teacher will be observed once per month for a total of 3 observations per quarter. Two of the observations will be unplanned and one observation will be planned. The unplanned observation is when the Assistant Director of Faculty views the class without the teacher knowing ahead of time. The last observation of the quarter will be planned in order for the teacher to make up for any mistakes that they made during the previous observations. The planned observation will show if the teacher is capable of learning from their mistakes and taking advice from their superiors. The observation form will be used each time. For any items that are not observable in that class (i.e. Assistant Director of Faculty didn’t stay long enough to see it that day, that doesn’t happen in that type of class, etc.), the item will not be scored and will not count towards that evaluation.

Weekly Student Performance

Every week, our ESL students do a variety of activities based on lessons from the unit they learn in class. These assignments include a weekly reading assignment where they will read a book and do homework outside of class and will come to class to discuss the book and go over the vocabulary words from the book. The students will also do their portfolio assignments in class which includes a listening activity, writing activity, and an activity project. They will also be asked to do a writing assignment and edit it with their peers using our online writing program that discusses topics outside of the unit they are learning. In addition, students are also assigned a daily listening assignment where they have to answer questions based on what they listened to. Lastly, students will have weekly unit tests on Fridays based on the unit they learned that week. All of these assignments and tests are considered the weekly student performance and will affect 30% of the teacher’s evaluation grade.

Student Feedback

Each quarter, students will be asked to fill out a Student Opinion Questionnaire (S.O.Q) that asks them to agree or disagree with a series of statements about their teacher and the education they are receiving at AELS. The S.O.Q also includes a number of short-response questions for which students can provide specific feedback.


Periodically throughout the quarter, the Assistant Director of Faculty will be checking certain aspects of a teacher’s performance. These can include punctuality, daily comments, student performance, student complaints, etc. Each time an item is checked, a “grade” will be recorded for the teacher’s performance in that area. At the end of the quarter, the Assistant Director of Faculty will be able to review the grades given to the teacher for each intangible item along with the date each grade was given. A score will be determined from that.