Characteristics of a Good Student

Characteristics of a Good Student

This week our class went over the characteristics of a good student and good employee. We also talked about different jobs, skills needed for specific jobs, evaluations, job ads, and how to use different machines in an office environment. This topic helps students get an idea of what work life is like in America. We decided that good habits formed attending school carry over (apply) for good habits at your job. 

First, coming to class or work on time is essential. There is a saying “If you are five minutes early, you are on time. If you are on time, you are late.” Punctuality is important in school, so you do not miss important information. Being to work on time is important, so you do not miss any important information as well as be prepared to start work on time. Furthermore, it is important that you show up every day. School is typically Monday through Friday, but work can be at different times on different days. It is essential that you show up every time for work. Your employer and employees are counting on you. 

Next, we decided that participating in class and in groups is a great habit that applies to the work environment as well. Working in pairs, groups, and or as a class helps build team working skills for your job. You get to express your opinions, ideas and share the workload with each other. Learning to be a team player is essential in helping others. We find that helping others and extending a lending hand is important at school and work. 

Finally, other characteristics are doing homework/work, listening carefully, and following instructions. When you complete your work from school, it prepares you to complete work on the job. Having nice handwriting, learning to use e-mail and computer applications in school, also help with skills needed for a job. Completing basic math problems helps you count money if you are a cashier. Listening carefully and following instructions helps minimize mistakes. You become knowledgeable when listening to the information of a subject or details of a job. Following instructions makes sure you feel confident when doing an assignment or task and results in accurate completion. 

It is important at AELS that you learn English vocabulary that you can apply and use in everyday life. We go over material that you already know in your native language and give you the words and sentences to succeed with English.

Tagged: ESL School in LA, English School in LA

Published on December 8, 2021

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