20 Essential Vocabulary Words for the TOEFL Test

20 Essential Vocabulary Words for the TOEFL Test
Preparing for the TOEFL test involves more than mastering grammar and listening skills—building a strong vocabulary is also key. A solid grasp of advanced vocabulary will help you succeed in both the reading and writing sections of the test. To help you prepare, here are 20 essential vocabulary words commonly encountered on the TOEFL exam, along with their definitions and example sentences.

1. Analyze (verb): To examine in detail the structure of something, especially information.

Example: The scientist will analyze the data from the experiment.

2. Benevolent (adjective): Well-meaning and kindly.

Example: The benevolent teacher helped her students outside of class.

3. Cohesive (adjective): Forming a united whole; logically connected.

Example: The author’s argument was cohesive and well-supported by evidence.

4. Constrain (verb): To restrict or limit.

Example: Financial difficulties may constrain a student’s ability to attend college.

5. Depict (verb): To represent or show something in a picture or story.

Example: The painting depicts a peaceful countryside scene.

6. Elicit (verb): To draw out a response or reaction.

Example: The teacher’s question elicited a variety of responses from the students.

7. Fluctuate (verb): To rise and fall irregularly in number or amount.

Example: The stock market prices fluctuate throughout the day.

8. Hypothesis (noun): A proposed explanation made based on limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

Example: The scientist’s hypothesis was proven correct after several experiments.

9. Imply (verb): To suggest something without saying it directly.

Example: His tone of voice implied that he was not happy with the decision.

10. Juxtapose (verb): To place two things side by side for comparison or contrast.

Example: The photographer juxtaposed urban and rural landscapes to highlight their differences.

11. Lethargic (adjective): Lacking energy or enthusiasm.

Example: After staying up late studying, I felt lethargic during the test.

12. Mitigate (verb): To make something less severe, serious, or painful.

Example: The government took steps to mitigate the impact of the economic crisis.

13. Notion (noun): A conception or belief about something.

Example: She had the notion that success comes solely from hard work.

14. Obsolete (adjective): No longer in use; out of date.

Example: The introduction of smartphones has made many older devices obsolete.

15. Prolific (adjective): Producing a large amount of something.

Example: The prolific writer published three novels in one year.

16. Refute (verb): To prove that a statement or theory is wrong.

Example: The lawyer refuted the witness’s testimony with evidence.

17. Subsequent (adjective): Coming after something in time; following.

Example: The first report was inconclusive, but subsequent studies provided clear evidence.

18. Tangible (adjective): Perceptible by touch; clear and definite.

Example: The benefits of the new policy were tangible, with improved student performance.

19. Undermine (verb): To weaken or damage something, often gradually.

Example: Gossip can undermine the trust between colleagues.

20. Viable (adjective): Capable of working successfully; feasible.

Example: The entrepreneur came up with a viable plan to start her new business.

American English Language School’s TOEFL Class

At American English Language School, we offer a comprehensive TOEFL preparation class designed to help students excel in all sections of the test, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Our experienced instructors focus on building strong vocabulary skills, mastering complex grammar, and developing effective test-taking strategies. With personalized feedback, practice tests, and engaging lessons, our TOEFL class ensures students are fully prepared to achieve high scores and reach their academic goals. Whether you need to enhance your English skills for university admission or career advancement, our program provides the tools and support you need for success.

Enhance your vocabulary and overall language proficiency with our TOEFL class at American English Language School and take the next step towards achieving your academic aspirations.

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Published on August 17, 2024

A leading English language school accredited by the CEA (Commission on English Language Accreditation) and approved by SEVP (Student and Exchange Visitor Program) located in Los Angeles, California. Learn English in LA with our ESL classes, TOEFL preparation, and English speaking classes. Are you serious about improving your English? Join a class today!