To assure that you are receiving the best education, we have to have great teachers. AELS wants to keep improving our teachers' performance. By observing our teachers' classrooms, evaluating their students' performance, asking for student feedback, and other intangibles, we are able to evaluate our teachers' performance.
The first way that we evaluate our teachers is monthly observations or 3 per quarter. Every month the Assistant Director of Faculty will observe each teacher's classroom. Of the 3 observations, the first two will be unplanned, and the third one will be planned. We make sure to have the third observation planned to allow our teachers to follow their observations feedback and improve their performance.
Another way that we evaluate our teachers' performance is by their students' performance. Every assignment and test score that students receive will be used to further observe their teacher's performance.
We also ask that student fill out a Student Opinion Questionnaire (S.O.Q) to see their thoughts on their teacher and educational experience. We will use the S.O.Q. to provide feedback for teachers to see how they did and what they may need to improve on.
The last way that we evaluate our teachers is by intangibles, such as punctuality, daily comments, student complaints, etc. The Assistant Director of Faculty will grade these intangibles and at the end of the quarter, each teacher will receive their score.
Published on March 26, 2019
A leading English language school accredited by the CEA (Commission on English Language Accreditation) and approved by SEVP (Student and Exchange Visitor Program) located in Los Angeles, California. Learn English in LA with our ESL classes, TOEFL preparation, and English speaking classes. Are you serious about improving your English? Join a class today!