Why Participation Matters

Why Participation Matters

One problem some students face is participating in the class. Shy students tend to hide in the back of the classroom, not participate in class discussions, or ask questions. This may work for some students, but how can you improve your English skills when you never practice? Yes, talking in front of others may seem like a nightmare to some students. However, you decrease your chances of improving. 

Class engagement helps you to learn. While some students cower in the classroom and dread being called on by their teachers, it will ultimately help you. If you enrolled in a large classroom, yes, it is easy for you to not take part in various activities, but what are you gaining from the class? At American English Language School in Los Angeles, our ESL classes are small, which may sound horrifying for some. However, it allows our teachers to give students more attention and every student a chance to answer questions. When the teacher calls on you, it will force you to express your thoughts and ideas about various topics. This encourages active listening rather than passive. When you know you will not be called on or asked questions, it allows you to not pay attention to the class. However, if you know you will have to speak and contribute during class, you will be more likely to pay attention and learn something. 

Another benefit of participation in the classroom is the freedom to make errors. EVERYONE makes mistakes. Being so terrified to speak because you are afraid of making mistakes hinders your progress. You will never practice and never improve. Furthermore, it is better to make a mistake in the classroom rather than a more severe situation in the future. Your teacher and students will be encouraging towards your error, and you can learn from it and correct it. 

Lastly, participating in class discussions and activities increases your chances to make new friends! Sharing your thoughts and ideas may help you to talk with others who think as you do. This will also allow you to have someone to practice your English with outside of the classroom and hopefully even after the class has ended. 

If you want to improve your English speaking, but may feel you are too shy, American English language school in Los Angeles may have the right ESL program for you! Since our class sizes are smaller than other language schools, you will be able to get the most out of the class. You will be able to participate consistently. While other language schools may promise the same, at American English language school, you will be surrounded by 5-6 other students rather than 10-15. We believe smaller class sizes make students feel more comfortable and more willing to engage in classroom discussion and activities. For more information about our ESL program, email info@aels.edu today!

Tagged: English Language School in LA, English Language School in Los Angeles

Published on July 20, 2022

A leading English language school accredited by the CEA (Commission on English Language Accreditation) and approved by SEVP (Student and Exchange Visitor Program) located in Los Angeles, California. Learn English in LA with our ESL classes, TOEFL preparation, and English speaking classes. Are you serious about improving your English? Join a class today!